Sunday 20 January 2013

How to cover up acne/blemishes!

I know this is a very sensitive issue for some people. (Hello! That's me hahaha!) I also know how embarrassing it could be to walk around with a face covered in a constellation of red/dark skin dots. So I really hope this post helps!

Whenever my skin starts having breakouts, (on a weekly basis ) I struggle to walk around uni showing my bare skin to everyone, I also lack the confidence to talk to friends. I've always felt self-conscious amd embarassed about my poor skin, however, this has changed after I learnt how to properly hide those flaws! (Works in photos too!)

I know that hiding these flaws is not the best way to approach this problem, but targetting the acne problem by eating healthy and following a healthy lifestyle is the best way to treat acne problems.

However... I have found a great way to conceal and prevent acne/ acne scarring using a few simple products! You might think that in order to conceal really well, you'll need to apply soo many layers of product right? Which means the skin cannot breathe and will lead to more outbreaks? Well I have found a product which: 1. Conceals blemishes. 2. Helps prevent further outbreaks. (Which makes it ideal for everyday use.)

So what are the steps and what do I need?

1. In the morning, wash your face as usual. Whether it be using a deep foam cleanser or lightly exfoliating your skin. For example:
Clean and Clear self-foaming facial wash

2. Apply a thin layer of BB cream as the base coat for the concealer. (For those who don't know what BB cream is, it is a tinted balm that moisturises, primes and provides sunblock for your skin. It originated in Germany, but you can several types of this in any pharmacy/supermarket nowadays.) Such as:

Garnier Light BB Instant Fairness Moisturizer
(If you don't have bb cream: Mix a portion of anti-pore clogging moisturiser with a portion of foundation, in the ratio of 2:1, moisturisier : foundation, however it really depends on how good your foundation is. I don't advise this because foundations are much more concentrated than BB creams and lead to more acne outbreaks.)
After this step you will notice that this layer only slightly hides the redness of the pimples/scars.

Garnier Pure Active Anti-spot Roll-on
 (This concentrated pigment mineral not only provides great coverage over pimples, but also dries them out as well, thus making the redness go away.)
Dab this stick onto all of the red spots/ imperfections and use a clean brush/finger to softly blend the colour into the skin so it looks natural. I personally use my fingers to even out the colour, I use an inward dabbing motion (into the skin) on the blemish then around the blemish as the brush might actually wipe off concealer from the blemish. I am Asian, so I find that this stick really suits my slightly sandy-beige coloured skin. After using this stick for a few days, my skin does start to peel off in those areas, as my acne scarring slowly ceased.

Nowadays, I only bring this stick and an eyeliner everywhere I go. (: Thankyou Garnier! (P.S. I am not advertising this product, I just really love how effective it is since I have tried and tested many other products, but this is by far my favourite!)

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